Thursday, March 31, 2005

Midwifery in Missouri

Missouri is one of only nine states where the independent practice of midwifery is clearly illegal. Parents seeking home birth must either hire an illegal midwife, go it alone, or find one of the very few practitioners recognized by the state who might attend them at home.

UC it is!


  1. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I thought that was already the plan for the next one?

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    w00t. I dream of UC someday.

  3. yes, i spose it was even the plan for kassi. i would just like some options. i am an options kinda gal. oh, well.

  4. Anonymous5:29 PM

    hey, legislation is working on being passed to make midwifery less illegal in missouri...they are taking some wording out of the laws so that it won't be a crime for a midwife to practice w/o a if you decide you want a midwife after all, there's still hope.

    AND, just cuz it's illegal doesn't mean there aren't those who practice it. it's illegal in illinois but i had a midwife. if you need names, i could ask her if she knows of anyone in your area...


The golden rule applies here...