Sunday, June 05, 2005

The packing has begun

food storage solution
yes, we know it's just plastic buckets--but the lids screw on.

can you buy organic bread in missouri?
hopefully we won't have too. our first batch was a complete failure. organic yeast is total crap. we got this little guy at a garage sale (cheap, new in box)

and we are only 1/4 packed


  1. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Why do you need a bread machine? We make ours from scratch every weekend and bake it in the oven. It's a good receipe . . . I'd share it with you if you want.

  2. we don't need one, not like air-water-food need. however, every attempt (by me, tabitha) to make bread (by hand) in this household has been sad. so, for $35 bucks at a garage sale we thought we would give this a try.

    we would love to try your recipe. my heart is sort of broken re: bread by hand, but i am always willing to have it broken anew!


The golden rule applies here...