Thursday, October 27, 2005

the first warm morning

last night we brought in 5 or 6 pieces of wood and stoked the fire. that lasted all night and the house was pretty cozy this morning. needless to say it is cold outside. but notice that yellow window on the right of the wood. i can reach out there from inside the house and get a few pieces of wood without exposing my entire body to the frigid temperatures. i don’t know if my lack of coffee contributed to my lack of courage but it was a nice little bonus to be able to just grab more wood from the warmth of our living room.

tristan wants to call the living room "the great room" because that is where his trains will soon get set up. great rooms, i think, need to meet some proportional minimums and ours definitely doesn't have high ceilings or any sort of vast expanse. i guess it is the largest room in the house and it will soon have tristan's great thomas the tank engine collection strewn about it.

the carpet goes down this weekend. we put the nailer strip and padding down yester eve. it changed the whole feel of that room. it will soon be a much more densely populated room having the only real heat source and a cozy carpet. finally, the whole house will be moved into. i'll start doing finishing touches very soon. there are still winterization tasks to be preformed. we need a some rigid insulation to close up the crawl space. the pipes could freeze if i don't get to that soon.

to all friends whom read and don't comment often. this is tabitha's blog too--for that matter it is also tristan's and kassi's blog. don't be shy. i'm not trying to solicit comments but we welcome you and we don't feel intruded upon.

my baby girl just woke and she says "bound bound bound weherup...." there is a cute little animation at the beginning of the incredibles movie. it is the best cartoon i have ever seen and kassi just loves it. she is staring to say sentances like "uh oh, book fell" does that qualify? anyway she is really making herself understood these days. although, tristan still seems to understand her the best.


  1. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Hey, I visit yer blog every day, and I always look forward to what you have to say. I'll try to be better about leaving comments.

    As for the "great room," sure, it's great. To a child it must seem gigantic. And if that's where he's going to build some of his best memories, then that certainly makes it great!

  2. I am totally encouraged by the move you have made with your family. I subscribe to your wife's xanga blog as well and enjoy reading all the goings on. I looked back in your archives and absolutely love the fence you all put up. My husband and I may move to an old trailer on 5 acres and I'd love to have a similar fence to keep the dogs away from my chickens. What all did you use to make it?? Is the cob house still in the plans or will you start with a cob barn for your cow?

  3. yes, cob/strawbale addition in the future. we have put too much sweat and blood into this house to discard it for another. this may change in the future but for now we plan a master bedroom adition. i'll draw somthing up this winter and change the website to reflect our plans. the fence was something that mike had laying in a field and the timbers are just pressure treated landscape timbers. i have found a link to the exact fence that is re-manufactured like the "old-time" wire. ornimental wire

  4. reaching out the window to get that sounds like a slice of heaven on a cold winter morning...just make sure you keep that spot next to the window full!

    i check your blog daily and always enjoy what you have to write even if i don't have the energy to comment...most of the time, i've got jaden hanging off my tit and kicking my arm if i try to type! (i'm sure that left a lovely vision in your mind!!)


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