Sunday, October 16, 2005


my baby girl started going potty on the big girl potty! she is so magical--but rough and tumble. you'd think we beat her by the looks of her. she is just a girl with a big brother that she adores and must keep up with. she is constantly falling but seems to recover quickly--except the remaining scratches, bruises and general scrapes.

she has some strange affinity with animals they seem to love her and she them. the cat although she carries it in the most uncomfortable (sometimes abviously painful) positions the cat is almost always seeking more attention from her. the cows are strangely attracted to her and when ever we come across a dog they both usually fall completely in love.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Our oldest son was also one who tumbled a lot. He always had bruises and scratches, but no one ever said anything, and he grew up just fine.


The golden rule applies here...