Thursday, January 19, 2006

the mystery is solved

it wasn't a broken bone but a huge piece of cedar almost the width of a pencil. it was in my leg and i didn't even know it was there. of course it hurt but i was convinced it was a bruised or broken bone because it felt so deep. yeah, the reason it felt so deep was because it WAS deep--close to two inches long. the gaping hole left in my leg was huge and didn't close up until much later. when it came out it was like a projectile shooting across the bath tub almost hitting tristan who was sitting on the edge of the tub waiting to get in. tabitha tried to take a photo of the wound but they all came out blurry. amazing

i'm going to heal up today and take it easy.

yesterday we dug and pulled a huge pile of roots from our garden plot. probably three wheelbarrow loads. the main stump is gone. tabitha and i were threatening to celebrate with a glass of wine but i started to get physically ill. flue like symptoms. that is one of the reasons for soaking in a really hot bath. the other reason was because i was filthy. plus my leg was beginning to really hurt again even all hopped-up on advil.


  1. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Will you cauterize it now? Bet Tristan thought it was cool!

  2. ouch! HOpe you heAL up soon. you need to stop getting punctured with plant life! they are out to get you it seems!!

    sorry about the caps...jaden was helping me type.


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