Sunday, January 01, 2006

the photos

mulberrys are fine trees but we need sunlight to shine on our orchard--we are cutting out the competition for sun and nutrients for our pricy orchard of apples, peaches and cherry trees. the squatter lot is our neighbors land and they have not visited it since the old owner died 30 years ago. they gave mike rites to use it years ago. it has an OK fence and nice grass potential for nimue. we plan to invest the minimum of effort to get it up to grazing status. the fence between us is the fence row that we are working on right now.

the wood that is left from the mulberry
burned fence row
standing in front of our garage looking toward the squatter lot (north)
standing in squatter lot looking toward house (south)
trimmed out trio of persimmon trees on squatter lot
looking south across our back yard toward garden plot and pasture
the fell sapling elm trees
the missing branches over the garage
looking in the back gate toward the pasture
this is where the milking shed will go
same as above
same as above view of old feeder we'll integrate into the milking shed
magnet on a stick--essential for after a bonfire
chicken coop in the new spot facing east standing in middle of garden area
looking south(ish) at chicken coop
mulberry posts to be fence corner posts 7'6" long
facing north from center of garden area
facing west from center of garden area


  1. Wow, you've done a buttload of work! Hooyah! I love the corner posts made of wire and rocks. Looks really amazing! I've already mentioned how much I admire the red front gives the house a little *pop* and makes me happy.

  2. the number of rock rings should be an indicator of how rocky the terrain is here. i expect that once we start turning our garden we'll have enough for another ring.

  3. How exactly did you go about making the "rock ring"? Is it just formed chicken wire and then you placed the rocks in?

  4. almost--woven wire is necessary to contain the outward pressure over time. i'd think that chicken wire would work initially but any small amount of rust would compromise the integrity of the cylinder and cause a collapse. the heavy gauge of woven wire makes them last for decades.

  5. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Did you glean anything interesting from the ashes when you used your magnet on a stick?

    I think those "rock ring" fence posts are an efficient and elegant use of resources. We have plenty of them near Roundrock, but, of course, that's in the Ozarks, so there are plenty o'rocks for the job.

  6. no, just the usual suspects. beer caps, fence nails, bits of wire, rusty undistinguishable chunks of metal nothing too interesting.

  7. Anonymous10:26 PM

    What does a magnet on a stick do?


The golden rule applies here...