Sunday, January 22, 2006

this church might just work out

we went to church this morning.
things it had going for it were:
9 am service (time to still get some work done around here afterwards)
lutheran (i know whats going on most of the time)
sound proof room with big window and incoming speakers
kind and not prying luthern behavior (live and let live)
mostly it was older folks that were elated to see us
the kids were well behaved but still noisy and most of them mentioned how well behaved they were and that kids are kids and not to expect too much from them.
we like that perspective.
it's fairly close 8 miles
we'll go back soon. tristan even asked "can we go back to church?"

we have been without TV for a few days. the change in tristan's behavior is nothing short of miraculous. we have also been focusing on as frequent as possible feeding of protein based foods. it is very obvious when he hasn't eaten in a while. or worse yet when he has had too much refined sugar.

i tried to do some web design work today. i got a little done but not enough. i'll try later...

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