Tuesday, January 24, 2006

yes.... we're fencing again

we need to finish the fencing around the yard. we are expecting a puppy in less than a month and need complete containment. although we are isolated, the road that we live on is notorious for being "a dog killer". we have first pick of the litter of a pair of working dogs. they are Australian cattle dog and Australian shepherd mix. we are hoping for a good mix. i have faith that we'll train him well and to be a good dog. the kids are excited to have a puppy.

maybe this weekend we'll get the garden turned and start to finish preparation for planting. i need to get a few bales of hay for the tomato starter box. i aquired two sliding glass doors from freecycle and plan to simply plop them on a rectangle of strawbales--voila instant tomato starter greenhouse. we got most of our seed from baker creek heirloom company. best of all they have forums for growers and gardeners interested in organic and heirloom seeds. they are pretty cool, both tabitha and myself have been posting there to help perpetuate the cool thing that they have going on...

we are listening to Great Days: The John Prine Anthology--magic stuff

the kids are being magical together these days sans T.V. the experiement of no T.V. is turing out to be a success.

1 comment:

  1. Love John Prine. I have that anthology too -- wonderful.


The golden rule applies here...