Tuesday, February 28, 2006

the play of the just

we met up with some new friends yesterday in springfield. after a moderately painless experience at the car dealer mechanic we shopped at a local natural food store and went to a great park. this park has all the things that a good park needs. a giant super fast slide (the arm buster), a see saw (the excluder--only two at a time), an old slide climbing structure (dubbed the post office), several modern combination play structures, and the most important thing a large influx of children (most of the time there was more than twenty kids with parents).

tristan and kassi played the play of the just. they loved it with a passion that can only come from a child. our new friends were great, displaying the comfortable alternative lifestyle of lore. have we found like minded people in the middle of missouri? YES. the kids played together so well. tristan didn't want to leave them--gnashing of teeth upon departure. we loved it and plan to do it again soon!

maybe they can come visit our little farmstead.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:57 AM

    You know, Missouri does have a reputation for being a bit backward politically and socially, but I have consistently found that Missourians are, at the bottom of it all, respectful of those who are different. They may not approve of a given lifestyle or value system, but they seem to acknowledge that folks can live as they choose. I'm glad you've found some like-minded folks (as well as an excellent playground).


The golden rule applies here...