Saturday, February 11, 2006

what do these have in common?

liet, anatoly, gustav, constantine
mercedes, carolina, wren

these are names that we are considering for the new baby. oh yes we just found out that we are expecting a new baby. the baby is due in mid october--maybe on my sisters birthday?

the girls name is pretty set in stone. we like mercedes because both of us love the count of monte cristo fyi mercedes was edmond dantes "true love". the fact that a car manufacturer has usurped the name and made it a household name is only slightly concerning. we'll call her mercy. i really like that!

liet and anatoly are currently tied for first place. gustav, spelled differently i think, was my grandfathers name. he was a very respectable man and had a cool name. i dislike the obvious nickname "gus" but it could grow on me. constantine, despite being almost ruined by the recent movie--it will be long forgotten in ten years.

anyway, i think it is a girl. through empirical and incontrovertible reasoning i am convinced.


  1. just like greg was convinced jaden was a boy, so much so that he would not consider girls names!


  2. Congratulations on the pregnancy! We'll pray for a healthy mom and baby.

    Will you homebirth?

  3. yes, we plan a UAhomebirth.

  4. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Congratulations Karl! I have told Tabitha a thousand times already, so I thought I would tell you too. :0)

    I love the names, and I am so very happy and excited for you and your family.

    Can't wait to follow this new journey, along with the journey of your homesteading. <3

  5. Anonymous12:45 PM

    What the...?

  6. Our vote is for "Wren".

  7. I love Liet. I like "Gus" as a nickname of Gustav, but that's because I was in lovev with Gus from the Avonlea series, and Gus was the name of T.S. Eliot's "theatre cat" and he was cooool. And Mercedes is never a car -- to me it's a character from Bizet's Carmen. But I'm an opera geek. :) So happy for you both!!!

  8. Congratulations on the little one soon to be. I like your name choices. are a hard worker. You've got a nice piece of property going too.

    Thanks for the link and stopping by my place.


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