Monday, February 06, 2006

what we didn't get done

the green house starter box.
--i just thought about this one a bit
the fence along the back.
--we finished the gate and over half of the posts but need to move the chicken coop before we fence it in. in order to move the coop i need to muster more courage than i had left after this weekend. mostly i just want to find a couple of 8" wheels that i can mount to it so moving it won't be like moving the eiffel tower.
rock ring
--yeah, it's almost done.
work up that fell tree in nimues pasture
--well over half way done.

we did get the posts up for the milking shed

i cleared a trash heap from where we will eventually put the chicken coop. it was old burned metal siding, roofing and random bits of other un-burned metal. basically it was a tetanus hot bed.

i cleared some of the old rotten logs and scrub that didn't get burned when i burned the leaves across part of the next pasture area. that pile of "to-be-burned" is over where we will put the coop. the coop will end up quite a distance from the house but further from the road which is the real concern. nightly closing up the chickens will be a bit more of a jaunt but tabitha will be out milking the cow anyway.

i did make a valentine for tristans friends aren't those kids cute. we plan to send a print of these with tristan's valentines

1 comment:

  1. thanks, we wish you the best of luck on your homestead adventure.


The golden rule applies here...