Sunday, March 12, 2006

conflict resolution

our parenting style conflicts with having a puppy. we don't expect immediate results from our kids, rather we try to gently massage good behavior from them. it takes patience and lots of mistakes. garlic was very bitey and playful in an aggressive way--he was from a litter of 12. the kids are too young to be able to redirect his energy they would just run from him and finally be mean to him when he wouldn't quit. the two main transgressions were, tristan threw him out the window and kassi hit him with a wooden sword. that is not acceptable for the poor dog. he can't wait for the kids to become gentle he'd learn to be mean before they'd learn how to redirect him. we as parents cannot be there all the time. i have to work and tabitha currently is suffering from morning sickness and the escalated level of effort to over come these issues isn't within our current abilities.

good bye garlic, on a good note he was very very excited to see his brothers and sisters again. he is in no way in danger of going to the pound or anything he'll simply just end up part of the farm menagerie.

a tornado passed by us within sight yesterday. tabitha and the kids were hiding, i was driving home from working. i drove through a squal of golfball sized hail. after a while it covered the road about 2" deep. noisey scary but i was more worried about the family and kept driving to check on them.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Garlic adds savor to foods, but I can see how you might not want so much flavoring in your life right now.


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