Thursday, March 23, 2006


we are in the grip of morning sickness around here. plus, i have a terrible muscle spasm in my back. i am sure it is related to the stress of wondering if tabitha has forced enough food and liquid down to keep us from the hospital today--everyday. morning sickness doesn't describe the affliction. i'd like to rename it--fu*%ed up vomiting all day and night early pregnancy. at least that is the version we have.

tabitha manages as much as she can--yesterday the house was cleaned. it really highlights the amount of work that has to get done around here just to keep a family afloat. having chosen the path-less-traveled means that we can't just go up to the junk-food store and buy the first thing that sounds good to eat. living here in missouri doesn't afford the healthy restaurant selection that helped get us through our last two pregnancies.

it is much more difficult this time...


  1. I'm so sorry Tabitha is so sick. Has she tried some ginger?

    I'll pray for a quick end to the morning sickness.

  2. Anonymous6:51 AM

    C'mon now. Missouri has one or two nice restaurants.

    Sorry about the morning sickness. We were fortunate in not having any problems during our three pregnancies. We seem to be baby machines. I understand that the sickness passes eventually. I hope so.

  3. yeah,

    ginger, audio tapes, herbs, nutrients, vitamins, and on and on, we haven't tried anything illegal yet but mj seems a likely candidate if things worsen. we don't normally partake so we'll have a few obstacles if that ends up our only alternative to the hospital. our last pregnancy we ended up at the hospital thinking it would help but it only made tabitha feel sicker but hydrated from the I.V. we swore next time that we'd try mj first even though we are both normally dead against it.


The golden rule applies here...