Sunday, April 30, 2006


it's official, we have named him merlin. yeah, i know the arthurian legend and the oedipal implications. he will be on the dinner table before his motherly love can take a twist.

we drove to the baker creek heirloom seed company spring festival. very cool time. on the way back we spied a cool flatrock bottom stream and the kids needed a dip. what fun. it was icy cold water and very slippery to walk on.


  1. Anonymous10:37 PM

    You mean, Merlin burgers? Explain that one to the kids!

  2. merlin burgers, a new marketable name for mcdonalds. so tasty that they disappear right away.

  3. If they're like our kids they'll make comments like, "Are we having Merlin for supper tonight?" and "Yum, this is some good Merlin!" without batting an eye :)

  4. And I forgot to ask, how was the festival? It's on my short list of things to visit one of these years.

  5. i told tristan that we are going to eat merlin he cried NOOO. he'll get used to the idea. being a carnivore-like-child has it's price. he is fine about killing and eating the chickens. i guess a warm fuzzy calf is a bit different.

    the festival was great. it was nice to see that community in the middle of nowhere missouri. we loved it we were tired from the new calf so our enjoyment level could have been higher with more sleep.


The golden rule applies here...