Saturday, April 15, 2006

the original garden salad

tabitha has been picking an evening salad for dinner every night this past week. we have arugula, spinach, swiss chard, beet tops, green onions and kale. soon we'll have tatsoi to add to the salad. balsamic vinegar and olive oil are the only dressing necessary for a truly fresh salad of this variety. we'll be planting beans today after a small birthday party for a cousin.

things are really greening up around here. the dogwoods will soon loose their flowers--sad. the mosquitos are finally out. measures will have to be taken for insect containment from the house. it is hard to get a two year old to close the door after herself.

nimue (the cow) is still pregnant. i fitted her with a halter and escorted her around the yard to eat some fresh thick grass. she really appreciated it. i'll get a chain for her and tether her in deep grass this afternoon. she doesn't really like to go back into the paddock but she'll also get used to that.

the new orchard trees are leafing out. i pray they all do well.

this is the third time that i have attempted this post. leaving the computer alone with a three year old that only wants to play (the reading game) on the allegedly abandoned computer is a bad idea.

i'll post a picture of the garden this afternoon--happy spring.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Spring to you as well! We had some killer storms yesterday leaving 2" size hail pelting our little house. A tornado ripped through as well but the Lord was merciful and we were unharmed. We will be planting soon as well. Your salad description is leaving me with a salivating mouth. I love balsamic dressing. The only thing I'd add to your salad would be fresh shredded cheese and hopefully you will have that by fall as well!


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