Tuesday, April 25, 2006

things my wife does that go unnoticed

is a wonderful mom
-nurses a million times a day
-reads countless books to the kids
-wipes several butts
-picks up after them
washes dishes and cleans the kitchen
does laundry
-hanging on the line
-folding and putting away
cooks for the family
-several normal meals per day
-tons of random snacks for the kids
cleans the house
takes care of finances
shares my perspective on the environment
-grow our own food
-keeps us away from processed foods
-eat organic when possible
she isn't scared of hard work
loves the kids more than herself


  1. And most importantly is nurturing a new life in her womb and gives you lovin'! Yeah for you giving her kudos!!! I hope she reads your blog.

  2. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Yes, Tabitha is the most patient person on Earth! Raising three children with one on the way! She's a Superwoman!

  3. She's my hero! You are both amazing.

  4. Anonymous8:20 AM

    She is a Very Special woman. She is one of my dearest friends, and I love that you made this list about her!

  5. I love this entry! I was going back this morning and reading your past years adventures to Joe and had to comment on this again!


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