Friday, April 21, 2006

we finished the rock wall

here is the final cap to the rock wall. all he needs now is a hot tub. actually this is mostly for just a place to keep his fire wood.

here are the tools, as promised
an assortment of chisle and hammers. these are all old and well used. each chistle has a little different purpose. the most used ones are a 3/8" little flat chisle, the rock hammer, a big chisle 7/8": to 1 inch. i could get by with a set like this.
this is just an angle grinder but the blade is a diamond blade and is more expensive than the grinder.
this is necessary for large rock work but not really needed for the average stone mason.
finally this is a complete luxury. it moves big big rock around easily.


  1. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Lovely! Once you feel sufficiently practiced in the art, c'mon up to Roundrock and do my stone work for me. All the beer you can drink!

  2. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Did you dress and shape those capstones yourself?

  3. they were already flat (on top) and of similar thickness (within an inch). we did the rest of the shaping squaring and sorting out flatness on the bottom of some of them. mostly ben has a huge collection of rock to choose from which makes it easier.

  4. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Hey, Karl, what is the altitude of your place? I'm trying to gauge the advance of spring and I understand that the higher the altitude, the later spring arrives -- 100 feet up a day. I hope to go to my woods on Sunday to see the dogwoods, and I'm trying to guess how far they've advanced based on what you've said about the dogwoods in your area.

  5. Bede wants it all!

  6. our altitude is 843 feet above sea level. what is the altitude at round rock? i imagine that the dogwoods are in full bloom there too. they are flowering at my bosses and he is probably at 1200 feet.

  7. The wall is lovely!


The golden rule applies here...