Sunday, June 11, 2006

garden update

tabitha in our bean arch. the beans have mostly reached the top. they just need to fill in and make lots of beans.

my lovely daughter and her true-love, the swing. she likes to have me do an under-dog. i run under her while pushing her really high 9 or 10 feet into the air. after a little while she'll stand up on the swing while still swinging higher than most kids, her age, like to go and say "i not danger." feisty feisty child.

with any luck this will be a tasty pumpkin in a matter of weeks.

weekly garden panorama


  1. Niels was impressed by the garden and wants to know when we can go to Tristan's house.

  2. Rosaline loves the swing, too. She'll swing all day. I 'underdog' (I've not heard that expression before, I like it!" her as well until and she cries "again! again!! I have to FLY!!" Love it!

  3. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Everything in your life is so beautiful, so full of life and promise! Tabitha, the garden, the children. I feel happy having read this today. :)

  4. Anonymous5:45 AM

    I love this idea of a weekly panorama of your garden area.


The golden rule applies here...