Wednesday, June 28, 2006

now this is fresh

a little evening harvest for dinner

from the garden to the dinner table within an hour.


  1. Yum! And I'm also drooling over that jar of milk I see on the table :)

  2. fresh milk is so tasty. we love it.
    the kids really like it also.

  3. Being the well rounded organic person(s) I am sure you know this, but...
    Think this way = Sunflowers are edible so you have to till a spot just for them! In the middle of the yard would not look bad- it would just look like a flower bed to the unwise. I grow bunchs and bunchs because I love sunflowers- then save the heads for wintertime snacks to put in the chicken pen. It gives them something to peck at during those dreary snow days. We also made a sunflower fort for my DD Panda. It is pictured on one of my blog entries if you would like to stop by & check it out.Remember, sunflowers are food not just friends :)!


The golden rule applies here...