Sunday, June 25, 2006

weekend garden photo update

this is my compost system. i'd like these to be a bit taller but they seem to work well. they have been keeping up with our needs. the closest bin was full to the brim with partially composted material a few weeks ago. this is how much it settles, rather consumes its self

these are our edamame just to the right of the mulched walkway. then corn then the bean arch. on the left is our squash trellis system. we were just out injecting our squash with BT (an organic bacteria "the worm killer") i hope it kills the squash vine bores otherwise we're ruined.

these are our tomatoes on the right side of the bean arch. this is also recently mulched with wheat straw. tabitha says it releases potash into the soil as it rains. we have four rows of tomatoes in this photo. we have experimented with different trellising methods. from staking each one to letting nature do her thing. we'll see what is the best method for this little farmstead.

these are my wonderful children reading their books instead of watching TV. it is a constant battle to keep the television from them. notice in this photo that the floor isn't strewn with toys and general kids stuff. yeah, it surprised me too.

our weekly panorama of the garden

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