Friday, July 21, 2006

heat and lethargy

the temperatures and humidity have made it difficult to accomplish anything. it takes so much effort to do the smallest task. i have been working on repairing a storm damaged greenhouse in the cooler morning and doing web design stuff in the afternoon. we hold up in the airconditioned bedroom, the kids bounce off the walls and i work on the computer. our wireless internet is spotty there so when it is available i use it for work related activities. i was planning on moving the wireless transmitter but we have decided that we need to air condition the entire house. tabitha cannot get regular household maintenance done with these high temperatures. triple digit temperatures should continue to be a threat for the next month and we'll get too far behind if we dont take immediate action. by action i mean purchasing a larger, more efficient air conditioner. the place we intend to install it will require opening a port in the wall. i don't relish that but it will be nice when done.
i'll take a bunch of photos tomorrow, kids, garden and homestead. toly has been kicking and spinning. he is really active like both kids have been. we spend many hours wonder what he'll be like. how will he be different and similar to the other kids? just fun entertainment dreamy baby stuff.


  1. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I know what you mean about the heat and lethargy. Fortunately, up here in Kansas City we have some cooler weather for a week or so. Down at Roundrock, however, the plants are already showing the effects of the heat and dry conditions.

  2. i guess we're headed for another round of heat.


The golden rule applies here...