Wednesday, July 12, 2006

oh my God

we got a new camera gifted to us. it is a canon elf sd 550. we have been making due with a camera that has a broken lcd screen with no way to change the flash or any other settings. it has been very frustrating and we were very concerned as to how we were going to take decent birth photos. during birth tabitha has always wants low light. i have been researching new cameras. what we might be able to scrimp and save to get before the birth. whew, the camera we were going to try to get is about three price brackets below this one. we have been so blessed and lucky. thank you--you know who you are.

tabitha squealed like a little girl and it almost sent her into early labor when we opened the first box.

one of the first photos tabitha took of me and the kids.


  1. Definitely blessed, no one has that much luck flowing in abundance over and over again!!! Luck is supposed to just be happenstance anyway, and I believe all things happen for a luck is out. Congratulations!

  2. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Darn! I was gonna get you a camera too! Great pic!

  3. Anonymous2:06 PM

    BTW, now you have NO excuse for not taking more pictures! hint, HINT!


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