Monday, July 24, 2006

panorama postponed

the yard is too junkie for a panorama. we just killed chickens and the mess, pallet temporary pen, buckets, and other random junk have taken over the yard and tabitha doesn't want to up-load the shots i took.

here is a photo of the root cellar progress. it is earth bag construction. last night tabitha helped and it went very fast holding and filling bags isn't a one man operation. my tube/filler idea won't work with recent rain compacted soil. i had to take a pick to the pile to just get a shovel to dig in. we did a half of a tier last night and hope to make it regular evening thing. the bags are covered to protect from the sunlight. they will last forever if kept from U.V. damage.


  1. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I hope you continue to post progress pics of your root cellar. We are very interested in building one ourselves, and I'm always keen to learn from the experience of others!

  2. tau, i will keep up dating about the root cellar. thanks

  3. Anonymous10:31 PM

    oh, man! I want to see the chicken slaughter! you always talk about them in the past's as if you ate them without telling me! Were they delicious?


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