Sunday, July 02, 2006

produce stand

we have been contemplating setting up a cucumber stand. the main concern is the perverts that are rampant here in these parts--we have had trouble in the past.


later that same summer during my youth, we brought our excessive bounty back to the city and sold it at a little produce stand in our front yard. it was our version of the lemonade stand. we didn't make much money but it was great fun none-the-less. i remember our neighbors really appreciating the fresh tomatoes, cucumbers and beans. i'd sit there with my trusty salt shaker and sample the goods.
the following summer i made a cart to pull behind my moped out of wheel chair wheels. my produce stand was mobile but only local to the little village that we lived in. it was about three miles from where our garden was. people there weren't as receptive to the produce stand and the whole concept really didn't have the luster of the previous summer.


i have nostalgic idealistic memories of a produce stand and wish it possible here. we have an excess of cucumbers right now and would love to share our bounty. here is my idea for a sign.

Current vegetable "CUCUMBERS"

i finished repairing the stucco on the house. i also tore out an old single pane widow and patched that area too. getting the painting done is getting closer and closer. we were going to do it on the fourth but they are predicting rain.
weekly garden panorama will be very soon.


  1. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I'm so jealous of your tomato plants.

  2. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I *love* the "NO PERVERTS" part! Perverts indeed! So sorry you all dealt with that.

    The children and the farm are growing, growing. Looks wonderful!

    By the way, I love the names that you and Tabitha give to your animals. they are always unique and fitting! I laugh often when Tabitha speaks of the animals, especially by name.


The golden rule applies here...