Friday, July 28, 2006


i had a half inch thick slice of this tomato on my cheese burger. it stuck out about three quarters of an inch all the way around. this is allegedly a brandy wine tomato but has a different leaf structure than all of our other brandy wine plants. it has performed better than all the others--we'll save some seeds from this one. we hope to re-populate our garden with this variety and cherokee purple next year.

these are exciting times at the omelay homestead. living off the garden and eating like kings. life is good.


  1. Anonymous7:51 PM

    That's an astounding tomato. I gave up trying to grow'em that big. The either cracked, rotted, or the squirrels got them. That must have been a tasty burger!

  2. Anonymous8:59 PM


  3. I'm drooling over here...I need to make hamburger buns TODAY!!!! Cause now I got a craving and oh yes, we have cheese and oh yes we have homegrown tomatoes!!!! It will happen tonight!

  4. My "maters are all "small", really don't know why.

  5. That's one of the best feelings in the world, eating out of your own garden. It really does make you feel like a king.

  6. pablo,
    yes i can't remember the last time i ate a burger that good. my first bit was mostly tomato.

    donna, yes it was

    danielle, homemade hamburger buns are possibly the only thing that could have made that dinner better.

    squire, yeah this variety gets big like this ( a slicing tomato). we also have a variety that is closer to a roma that is your classic italian sized just larger than an egg.

    sugarcreek, thanks we do get the most profound satisfaction from eating from the garden/farmsstead.

  7. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Good sweet Mother of pearl! That's about the second biggest tomato I've ever seen in my young 29 years! That size means your need bigger meat patties! Merlin better grow faster to keep up with those tomatos!Mmmmm...Merlin burgers!

  8. I guess in this case, size does matter...mmmmm...and if it tastes as good as it! Nothing better than eating something youve grown yourself. We're loving grean beans, summer squash and our herbs right now. But just started getting a few tomatoes. Cant wait!


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