Thursday, August 10, 2006

canning continues

we have this baaad arse pressure canner. it is pretty large but it's best feature is it has a metal to metal seal and is made by wisconson foundry. there is a very cool safety mechanism that blows fairly easily without fail and it has a rocker type pressure calibration. tabitha's mother got an identical one at a garage sale but sans the rocker pressure calibration. so we found that the new rocker type will retro-fit into the oldschool toggle type port. so we ordered a new nipple-vent and rocker weight. now we have two state of the art pressure canners. they are big enough to hold several quarts but they both still fit on our stove top. henry ford would be jealous of our production abilities.

we went to arkansas and bought three bushel of peaches and tabitha has put up forty or so quarts of peaches--peach pie, peach cobbler, peaches and icecream, peaches and french toast, and just plain peaches.

tomatoes are next she already has done a few batches but we should start seeing them really come-on. the yellow bush beans are threatening to really come-on soon also. we'll can the crap out of them too.

have i mentioned lately that i have a good woman. not only because she is spending countless hours canning but she's just a good woman and mother. the last photo from the left tomatoes, pickled beets, peppers and below is a couple more tomatoes then canned pumpkin. by the weekend i'll have the pumphouse cleaned out for pantry storage.


  1. Wow, lookin' good, lookin' real good! I don't have a pressure canner so I can't can low acidic things like beans and such but I can do tomatoes and some fruits in my water bath canner. Everything looks so pretty and canning is hot, hard work but rewarding.

  2. Anonymous5:10 PM

    You are one fine family.

  3. Anonymous7:08 PM

    what is metal to metal?

  4. it means that the seal between the lid and pot requires no gasket. the seal is safer and won't fail catistrophically. in plumming circles it is called a "press fit"

  5. catastrophically

  6. How many quarts can you fit into the pressure canner at any one time?

  7. Although my canner isn't metal to metal, it does have the new rocker weight pressure calibration which I really like. Mine can do I think seven quarts at a time which is nice and it sure beats the water bath type that I used to have which heated up the entire house. The only bad part is that I don't have a large garden right now so it is way under utilized.

    Canned pumpkin? How do you prepare it for canning? I assume you raise pie pumpkins which are sweeter than the jack-o-lantern type. I used to raise ten acres of pumpkins every year to sell but never canned any.

  8. Anonymous10:38 AM

    learn to spel

  9. Anonymous10:39 AM

    you said nipple

  10. She is a fine woman!

    Yall are the best.

  11. danielle,

    the canners hold 7 quarts or 14 pints.

    ed abbey,

    all i am really sure about is the skin gets cut off the wedges--that's my job. tabitha kept cutting herself. yes the pumpkin is sweet for pie. tabitha made a pie from one of the jars--oh man, was it ever good.


    thanks. you guys should come for a visit sometime.


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