Wednesday, August 30, 2006

nimue in feeder

this is nimue using her feeder. the hay goes in from the top and she pulls it down as she needs it. it is never obscuring the bottom of the feeder from site of any grain. hence there is never a need to shove the any offending hay out of the feeder in order to see if there happens to be any grain at the bottom.

i set the trap for the second time and it is obviously too small to catch the raccoon. the new wire mesh perimeter seems to be effective. i'll let things settle down and borrow a larger trap and try to catch the raccoon in a few days.

cooler temperatures are a welcome guest. we hope they stay for a while. i have another case of poison ivy--yuck, the afflictions continue...


  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    A friend of mine said her dog trainer told her to use listerine gold on her dog to treat skin afflictions, from poison oak to whatever else it is that short hair dogs get... and said that it sometimes works for humans, too. She takes the listerine gold and dilutes it for the dog - sprays it on her (it's a pit bull, very cute and nice, named lucy) and wipes her down with a towel afterwards.
    Maybe it would help with poison ivy? Might be worth a try!

  2. Anonymous3:27 PM

    1/3 listerine
    1/3 maalox
    1/3 peroxide
    Put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour, then dab on poison ivy blisters.
    A variation on the listerine solution... the listerine serves as an antiseptic; the maalox works like calamine; and the peroxide works as a bleaching or drying agent.

  3. Thanks for the pic, I get it now.

  4. The stanchion and feeder looked a lot smaller before this pic of nimue eating out of it. I showed my husband and he said, "When can he come help us make ours?"...I told him you live 12 hours away and it would be probably never.

    BTW, did you ever try the honey I sent with Tabitha's diapers??? We are extracting again this weekend before we move. Big job, but well worth it.

  5. I am still using the broadleaf plantain for my poison ivy. I just heavily bruise the leaf and then fold it into a shape so that I can rub it onto the poison. This extracts the fluid from the stuff and dries it up.

  6. Unfortunately, the juicer is nothing that nice. I can't even recall off the top of my head what kind it is. It's a junior of whatever. It's like 10 years old and probably would cost more to ship it than it is worth. When I get it down I'll let you kow what kind it is. It makes great carrot juice with apple and parsley. You just have to clean it immediately or the pulp gets caked on the screen.

  7. I love the idea of the stanchion and the feeder!


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