Sunday, August 20, 2006

pound rescue

we did it, we got another dog. we named her rosie. she is a mix with some chow, shepherd and maybe some terrier and is probably her own aunt. she is mellow yet playful--very passive. they had her about a week. she came in almost dead starving and infested. she has recovered fine and seems to just appreciate that we took her home. the kids seem ready for a puppy especially one that is a bit older and much more mellow. she doesn't nip and bite and she is very passive yet already sees kassi as her equal. even in kassi's most commanding voice she isn't taken seriously. that will work out too.

rosie will be an outside dog and seems to prefer it that way. she won't even come into the front porch without coaxing. she kinda wants to chase the chickens a little but they are just fun for her. we'll nip that bud. she tries to please and has a good attention span. hopefully that means she'll be easily trainable.

i think that the whole family is ready for this dog and i am sure that rosie is ready for us.


  1. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Oh I think Rosie will be a wonderful animal- pound puppies usually know they have been saved and will thank you the rest of their life!

  2. yeah, she has obviously been corporeally punished. she flinches during sudden movements. she'll get past that too. we have high hopes for this new family member.

  3. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I can't even begin to explain how happy I am for the family. A child needs a dog to grow up does Tristan and Kassi. I'm glad Rosie found you!

  4. What a sweet dog and her colorings are just gorgeous!

    I hate to move on from such a sweet topic, but I'm curious how you guys pluck all your meat chickens in a timely fashion. Did you get a plucker or just by hand? How many can you get done at any one time?

  5. tabitha & i kill, scald and pluck a single chicken at a time--by hand. team work seems to make it go by quickly. using this method, killing through plucking, might take us five minutes for each bird. the birds all go into covered storage until all the slaughtering is accomplished. then we move to evisceration. tabitha cuts out the oil gland and crop. i pull all the intestine and organs. after a few birds tabitha starts helping with the lungs, trachea and esophagus. eventually she starts rinsing each bird and plucking any missed pin feathers and putting them in the spare fridge. meanwhile i clean up the slaughter table and area--one of the only times we use bleach. the chickens cool for a day then we freeze them.

  6. What an adorable dog! I hope your kids enjoy her. :)

  7. Thanks for the run down on the chicken slaughter! Joe and I have team killed before too, but it takes us way longer than 5 minutes a bird. More like 15 or 20 but that is from killing to skinnin' or pluckin to totally cleaned out guts.

    I was just trying to imagine doing 50 birds in a timely fashion and I just can't imagine it without some sort of plucker. We are going to make one when we do meat chickens.

    We are looking at 9 acres right now but we'll have to build. Apartment for the meantime so no homesteading for atleast the next 6-9 months. I'll live vicariously through you and Tabitha.

  8. the evisceration part probably takes us another five to ten minutes. your approximation of fifteen seems reasonable. we have talked about making a plucker also. although, in my limited research, people say that a machine only saves a minute or so. allegedly, you still need to pluck the flight feathers and all those, time consuming, pin feathers. if you have a better experience when you get a plucker, i'd love to hear about it.
    we wish you the best of luck with your move. too bad it's not closer to us. we appreciate like-minded friends--especially ones that are close by.

  9. We have a new puppy too...from a rescue org. Its a wonderful thing to give an animal a new lease on life and such a great teaching point for kids!!! Congrats!


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