Wednesday, August 23, 2006


fetching dog is she not?.

this is what we grow around here.

i have never seen such a low need dog.

just the slightest bit of attention and she is focused on you

my kids might like a dog that plays fetch. lets see if this works like a ball.

can i get up now?

kassi and her new best friend. kassi loves rosie. it is so magical to see them together. rosie sees kassi as her pack. they play so well together.


  1. So, so sweet! The kids look so beautiful and their eyes are penetrating.

    The pup is a keeper! I'm so excited for your growing family! Adding another little boy to the mix will make it all the more funner and when they are old enough to really help out with the harder stuff that you men do, it'll be great!

  2. Having a dog is one of the pleasures of childhood.

  3. Anonymous4:47 PM

    You cannot beat a good ole fashion Heinz 57! (Shepherd crosses are the best in my opinion.) She really reminds me of my best friend from childhood. What an terrific pound find.

  4. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Get those kids to fetch the ball! The dog is just supposed to fetch the kids!


The golden rule applies here...