Wednesday, August 09, 2006

where am i going and why am i in this handbasket?

the tomatoes are really starting. this is tabitha's special harvest basket. it needs to be soft as to not damage delicate fruit, sturdy able to carry twenty five pounds of tomatoes and rugged to withstand small children riding and playing in it. this one is from africa and made of rope like weave. i must admit it is perfect for harvesting tomatoes.

i made pico de gallo "beak of the rooster" last night. it is a fresh raw salsa. it has few ingredients--like all great garden recipes it depends heavily on the freshness of the produce.
2 cups of tomatoes
1/2 to 1 cup of onions
a nickel sized bunch of cilantro *
1 to 2 pickled peppers "serrano chilies"
1 lime squeezed into the mix
salt to taste.

the first thing to remember it these are just guidelines. the proportions can all be skewed toward personal taste. many other things can be added like garlic, pepper to help the less-fresh produce. corn, papaya, apples, cucumbers are also a good support to the tomato portion of the mix.

* nickel sized group of stalks and their accompaning leaves. kinda like measuring pasta.

tristan loves pico. i made a double batch and he ate a third of it. he promptly said i need to go to the bathroom and make more room for more pico.


  1. Lookin' good...lookin' real good! I love, love, love salsa. I add a touch of sugar and fresh garlic and I love tons of onions! Black beans make a great addition as well. Everyone's a critic! :o)

  2. Because of our new arrival, we only planted six cherry tomato and three banana pepper plants in our garden. Right now, the cherry tomato plants are going crazy. I pick enough in a few days for a canner full of sauce and some leftover for salsa. Fresh salsa/pico can't be beat.

  3. Anonymous12:22 PM

    How about a little "pico de Mayday"; add habaneros! Can y'all grow chiles out there? The serranos from your garden? My other two cents; squeeze some lime into the mix. My usual smart-ass comment? Uh, can't think of one yet...maybe later!

  4. Anonymous12:24 PM

    BTW, your header today is my favorite bumper sticker of all time!

  5. danielle,

    our onions are quite potent yet small. i hardly ever add extra cause the extra effort to cut the little guys.

    ed abby,
    we bought a cherry tomato plant that didn't survive the earily aphid blight. we have several yellow pear tomato plants which are the size of cherry tomatoes but yellow and shaped like a pear. they are tristans favorite. they hardly make it out of the garden and never get to the cutting board.

    matt you'll have to come visit to make any alterations that dramatic. oh, i just forgot to put the lime on the list--i just added it.

  6. I love salsa, thanks for the recipe.


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