Saturday, August 05, 2006

wholesome fun

tristan was trying to impress this girl with a story of his exploits in his dream last night--flying and doing flips.

ohh, the magical button that makes the caterpillar fly.

this ride was the most fun for all. kassi and tristan both loved it and it was kinda fun to ride as an adult.

tabitha, and her funnel-cake not to be separated at any cost.

Silverdollar city albeit a commercialized theme park was a wonderful time. all of the old-timey ozarks personae was very contrived but well done nonetheless. the kids had such a great time. sorry pictures were spotty. i was mostly busy having fun too.
tristan is 41 31/32 tall and all of the big rides required 42 inches. his shoes were flat and we got measured at every bigboy ride. he was amazing riding everything they'd let him on with gusto. except....

there was this huge roller coaster that launches you into full speed from a standstill then into spinning, flipping and spiraling. he got so scared that he was crying for mama. i held his little hand and laughed and giggled trying to change the tone. during the second climb to greater heights and even more terror tristan whimpered and i regretted going on the ride. as we entered the slow down period tristan stopped crying and was just generally unhappy. we got out of the ride and tristan declared that he did NOT like that roller coaster. in retrospect, he says that he'd go on that ride if we would just go back to silver dollar city.

it was busy and hot but they, unlike all other theme parks i'd been too, had lots of trees and with all of the other cooling measures the heat was very tolerable.

there was quite a bit of this behavior. kassi was pushing tristan over to make room so she could sit in the rented stroller

should i jump? is it too high?

happy girl.

at least both kids are looking at the camera at the same time.


  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Ha! Those pictures were great! Thanks for posting so many...for a change. Tristan trying to impress a girl with his exploits? The nut doesn't fall far from the tree, huh? Glad y'all had a great time despite the "commercialness". That happens; a necessary evil, I guess.

  2. Anonymous1:00 PM

    BTW, in the last picture, the one that looks like an album cover for a British rock band, Kassi looks like Momma. Who also looks absolutely radiant! I love Tabitha's big, happy smile!

  3. matt did you click on that image to get a bigger view? if you do you'll get a surprise.

  4. Anonymous12:20 AM

    That's hot!

  5. great post.

    that funnel cake looks mmm.

  6. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Sounds like a great time was had by all. I've not been to Silver Dollar City, but I've been to many of the theme parks with my own kids over the years. Don't know how I survived it all. I'm glad your kids had a good time, but I sure feel for Tabitha in that heat.

  7. Looks like it was a great time! The album cover is priceless. You should get a poster made. Funnel cake is making me drool...I feel a deep frying episode in my own kitchen coming on! Fair food, Danielle style, here I come!


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