Saturday, September 09, 2006

house painting today

i power washed most of the house yestereve. this morning i'll finish power washing the garage and i'll be done with that part. i'll then spray the moldy areas with bleach and wash then again. hopefully by ten o'clock i'll be borrowing the professional paint sprayer and be spraying the house. there is a chance of rain but i'm going to take my chances because there has been a chance of rain every weekend that i have been inclined to do this.

i'm off to take the before pictures and start washing.


  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    It will look so great when you're finished! Clean and crisp--perfect!

    Are you doing the whole thing white or will you have another color for the trim?

    I say red, or pink. Lol.

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    What color will you be painting?

  3. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I love the red fence. I hope you guys decide to do some red trim on those porch diamonds and maybe some of the windows... it's so cute with the morning glories on the fence and all.

    Good luck with the job and the weather! Don't forget to post pictures for us to admire!


The golden rule applies here...