Sunday, October 29, 2006

buying local

the refrigerator went on the blink the other day. i was terrified that it was something serious. it seems that it had simply froze-up the automatic defrost stopped working. we manually defrosted it. things should return to normal but i have been instructed on the next measure to take if it happens again. buying from the local appliance store has paid off quite well. the prices are slightly higher than lowes but the difference in delivery usually makes up for it. but the best thing that happens is when things go wrong, which they aways do, there is someone to hold accountable. the owner of the store has personally came out to fix our washer at no charge--and it was our fault. the other funny thing that is different and better. i went to get a new water filter for the refrigerator and wrote down the numbers and names on the inner tag to be sure if i got the right one. he only asked one question "is it the one that you replace from the bottom grill?" if i were at homedepot i would have spent several minutes looking for a not-helpful employee and he'd have to consult some intricate reference catalog and i'd still end up with the wrong thing.
the kids are enjoying the fall


  1. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Yes, I agree about buying local. They actually have a stake in the business so customer service is essential! Which is one reason 3 of our major appliances are from the same local store. Large chain store employees don't care about serving the customer. It is sad really.

    I love the pictures!

  2. I have a question for ya. Does the filter on the fridge make the well water taste milder than it normally would without a filter? We are close to signing an agreement on that dairy farm (which means absolutely nothing till it's signed but...)and I was hoping my fridge filter would make the well water taste a bit more milder. It has a ton of iron in it and you can taste it. Dash my hopes or encourage me, I'm ready.

  3. the water does taste better with our filter. i'm not sure how great a difference it makes though. they have different grades of filters for our fridge. we currently have the lowest grade but will probably try the one that filters out all the chlorine. we get well water from a community well where they add chlorine. i'm excited for you guys to get a cool milk farm. good luck.

  4. Yeah, the farm hasn't been a working dairy farm for ten years, but it has tons of paddocks and a really nice "huge" enclosure. I'll give details once I really think it'll happen. I'm getting attached already and fear my hopes will be dashed. The guy living there now has made living quarters in the front where the old milk house used to be. It is totally unconventional, it's kinda ugly...but I like it. I like it a lot.

  5. angie,

    buying local makes sense for many things and we'd like our local supliers to supply everything but there are some things that our niche taste demands niche suppliers. if fedex were completely green--running biodiesel ect. i'd be much happier about the amount of online purchases we make.


    so what if the farm is funky--you'll make it home. i hope it works out for you.


The golden rule applies here...