Friday, October 06, 2006


tristans jamillion castle.

shy or being coy for the camera? you decide.kassi starting her own jamillion castle.

kassi is going to chub-up in the next few months. she has always been so skinny--i look forward to it.
tristan made up the word jamillion he uses it all the time. we encourage this creative license. in case it is not obvious jamillion means a whole bunch--approaching infinity and, given current technology, beyond measuring. someday he'll invent the device that can count that high?


  1. Anonymous12:09 PM

    That's more like it! Love the pictures!Jamillion is a real word. I use it everyday. Someday I hope to have a jamillion dollars for The Pile of O'Melay's college fund! I'll buy Tabitha whatever she wants, too! You? I think you owe me ten bucks still.


    Tristan looks so peaceful and happy. We miss him!


The golden rule applies here...