Thursday, October 05, 2006

sore muscles

bob and i moved three refrigerators yesterday. the one in the upstairs needed to go away. the new one needed to replace the one in the basement and the one from the basement needed to go upstairs in the apartment above the garage. we could have used another person to help. i'm sore today!!!

i started the copper plumbing yesterday. the drainage plumbing is almost finished. the final connection to the septic tank will wait until later. the main water to all areas will be one inch copper. the house is large and has two jaquzzi baths plus a swimming pool in the basement. normal ozark-style 3/8 inch flexible lines won't do the job. luckily i have vast experience plumbing one inch copper from my solar thermal days. i'll take photos very soon.

i'm in quest for a water softener for the hot-water in our house. the dishwasher is completely incapacitated from lime build-up and tabitha is doing dishes by hand. this is a time suck especially when time is at such a premium--new baby coming....

tristan has settled into being a complete technophile. his computer skills amaze me. luckily he also is a rough and tumble farm boy.

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