Sunday, October 15, 2006

stuff i've still managed to do

i built a silverware divider for the kitchen drawer. we had one of those plastic cheap dividers but it was getting too small and it kept sliding toward the back after every opening. don't mind the front of the drawer it will eventually be sanded, filled and painted. also notice that i used the singular for a normally plural when i referenced the drawer. i still need to make the other drawers. the new boy interupted my production schedule.

i dug up all the sweet potatoes and left them to dry in the garden. i was supposed to pick them up at the end of the day but that wasn't in the stars. i hope they are alright. i will put them around the woodstove today to dry out for a few days.

we have stopped milking nimue the cow. merlin, her calf is chubbing up and looking really tasty. merlin it's what for dinner. i guess we will beable to restart milking with some effort.

we have been burning a fire in the wood-stove. the house is so cozy for toly. this will be the first year that we'll burn seasoned wood. last winter was spent burning wood that only partially dried. i already notice a huge difference. the fire starts easier, it can burn at a smaller size without extinguishing and there is much less ash. having a wood stove means that we can keep the house warmer than we'd normally afford.

i moved the living room around and did a deep cleaning. i even cleaned out the couch. the deep recesses revealed many lost treasures. the kids loved my treasure trove of discovery. all the egg shakers and discs for the movie viewer were recovered. the new vacuum almost completely refilled from the volume of debris.

we plan to go to church today. then anna will come to visit sans older boys. she picked up some gel capsules for us. the trouble with church is it seems to take up the entire day. this is especially highlighted by the baby-moon-time-warp which seems to leave me wondering where entire days have disappeared. we had a killing frost the other night and most of the garden is suffering. the swiss chard, beets and turnips are loving it though.

i also built a system to be able to move the chicken tractor alone. i have two wheels that slide onto two of the corners. then i can lift the opposite end and move it around like a wheel-barrow. it works so well that it makes me wonder why i didn't do it before. i guess i needed the muse of necessity to inspire. i'll take a picture today with wheels on.


  1. The drawer looks great. When are you slaughtering the chickens?

  2. Anonymous7:59 PM

    You should put the new little helper to work with some of the chores around there.

    Seriously, though. Is there anything you CAN'T do?

  3. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Lovely utensil caddy/seperator. Very nice. That's too cute about the treasures derived from the couch. I can only imagine Kassi and Tristan's delight.

    Thinking of you all---and incidentally, I didn't know that sweet potatoes had to dry. (!)


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