Friday, October 20, 2006


this is what it looks like when i want to use the computer while the kids are awake.


  1. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I can relate! I feel all cramped and hemmed in when I use the computer, too. I have one on my back and the other 3 crowded around me. Sometimes it seems the computer is forgotten until I need to use it! Congrats, on Toly! (I don't think I posted a congrats)

  2. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Lol! I like kassi's vantage point especially.

  3. angie,
    thanks for the congrats, on toly. we are gonna keep him.

    yeah it is great when you can actually catch on camera such a candid activity. kassi would live on my shoulders is i'd let her.

  4. Great photo!

    You suggested on my blog post about my problems with the warrantee on my Fuji FinePix camera that I leave a review on about my experience. Interestingly, I had left a positive review a long time ago and that has been on there. I went this past week and edited the review to reflect my experience with Fuji failing to honor the warrantee. Now Amazon has deleted my review entirely. It is interesting that they are deleting some negative reviews. I worded it very carefully and politely, sticking to the facts so that is not the issue...

    On a side note, I have gotten emails from a bunch of other people who have had problems with Fuji and warrantees. It would be good if people wrote up their experiences and left comments, blog posts and reviews on Amazon. Will they ignore or delete a large number? Hmm...

  5. Anonymous9:20 PM

    lmao Same thing here. My son usually stands in my lap and I have to look around his massive head.


The golden rule applies here...