Monday, November 06, 2006


tristan and kassi both love pomegranate. tis the season. not unlike asparagus, pomegranate has a brief seasonal window. as a kid i worked in the local grocery market. the guy in charge of the produce was openly suicidal but more importantly had excellent taste in produce. at the ripe age of sixteen i was turned on to these delicious fruit and their subtle nuances. if you have never had a good one or never had one at all. go to the closest market that will have them and find the heaviest one. the skin must seem fresh and plump. take a sharp knife and cut both ends off just cutting some of the seeds in half. then slice the skin as if to quarter it--but only slice the skin. then using both hands break it open and eat everything that is bright burgundy red as quickly as you can. tart, sweet, delicious. if it is your first time, i envy you. do something wonderful with your kids because it will make an indelible mark on your memory--and hands.

happy eating...


  1. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I'm so happy that you posted this! I was just telling Tabitha that I had no clue about what to do with a pomegranate. You all seemed so into it that I figured it must truly be something amazing. Thanks for the details. I will now include the children as I taste my first pomegranate. Envy away! ;0)

    P.S. Is it safe for a child under the age of one year? Abigail will be 1 on Nov. 27th...

  2. Do you spit the seeds out or just swallow them?

  3. rebekah,

    i am envious. kids and pomegranate together--yum. possibly erring on the side of caution, i wouldn't give it abigail.


    yep, we eat the seeds. it's kinda like trying to eat only the white fluffy part of a popcorn kernel.

  4. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Yeah, what Danielle said. I have tried them and just crunched the seeds which I didn't enjoy.

  5. imo, when the pomegranate is "right" the seeds are hardly noticed past the delicious flavor.(do you dislike raspberries because of their seeds?)

    i must say i have never met anyone that didn't like a "perfect" pomegranate.

    if the pomegranate is not "perfect", like many things, then it stinks. take curry for instance. if it isn't excellent curry then it sucks. there is no middle ground. the same goes for tuna sashimi. my list like this is very long. anyway, getting a good pomegranate is the key.

    all i am saying this is the right season. please don't close the door on the fruit that the greeks believed responsible for giving us the seasons.

  6. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Dude, are those walls pink? No further comment...

  7. Uncle Matt is brutal! I love the walls, but enough said.

    I had a pomegranate one time and we didn't know what to do, so we sucked the flesh off the seeds and it seemed like such work. However, I am up for trying again since it's been several years. Pomegranate is supposed to have tons of antioxidants in it and also it is a "love fruit" making you out rebekah.

  8. karl-- you came by and left a comment on Dharma Bums, and I came by to see your site. What a grand place you have here! I was going to recommend that you check out Roundrock Journal, but I see that you already have!

    I like what you and your family are doing. We are trying to do the same thing-- grow as much of our own food as we can, and leave a very small footprint. I think there is a fantastic resurgence of the "back to land movement" in our country. It is a quiet, earthy revolution. You there in Missouri, us here on the Olympic Peninsula, and so many more all over the country. It's like a green tidal wave.

  9. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I loved eating pomegranates with my dad. Hmm... is this a common experience? I haven't really had one since I was a kid...

  10. I saw this book today and thought of your family


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