Thursday, November 30, 2006

welcome to the big-top

in preparation for the big winter storm tom and i built a temporary milking tent. we used part of one of those giant tarps that toms son gets. we whipped it out in less than an hour. thanks to toms stash of plywood for the roof support. it is huge just like a big-top.
this is what the inside looks like. a giant billboard of american flags. never say we aren't patriotic.

tabitha loves her cow. there is such a special connection between them. nimue loves tabitha also.

we received four inches of rain last night. the pond is overflowing. from the track of the storm i think that pablo's lake margarette might be substantially more full also.


  1. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Send in the clowns! So, you chop down the tree that Tristan wanted to build a treefort in so that you could build your own fort, huh? And you let a girl in there? It's very cool though!

  2. Just discovered your blog through the unschoolers ring. I am loving your blog! You guys are doing what I am dreaming about. My hubby and I have plans to find land and make our cob house too. :)

  3. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Very resourceful. Nimue looks happy. And so does Tabitha..

  4. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Tabitha looks so content and serene - - love that photo.

  5. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I sure do like those tarps. If I had enuf of them, I could line the bottom of my lake and stop the leaks. With all of the snow that has fallen, the lake might be actually full now.

  6. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Very cool tent. I think it is wonderful to see Tabitha milking Nimue and I am green with envy...

  7. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I think I saw in an earlier post that you get about two gallons of milk a day. What do you do with all that milk - - does your family consume it all? *Someday* I'd love to have a milk cow, but don't know what I'd do with all the milk, since it's "illegal" for me to sell raw milk.

  8. Tabitha looks sweet and dry under the new tent.

  9. matt, the top of the milking barn will be a fort that the kids will be able use.
    sarah, thanks for the compliment and comment.
    happyNblue2, yeah we needed to do something before the storm. now nimue spend all her time in there.
    graciousacres, tabitha gets a break from the kids when she goes to milk. i think it is sort of her meditation.
    pablo, you are welcome to one of these tarps.
    prairiechick, too bad you don't live close we'd surely share some fresh milk with you.
    danielle, tabitha does appreciate the shelter.


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