Monday, December 11, 2006

word verification?

so it is up to you. the tiny portion of the blogsphere that comments on this site gets to decide whether i keep word verification (which i personally hate) or wait for your comment to be moderated (added by me). neither option is as good as no boundaries at all but iv'e had trouble in the past. during the interim while you all chime in i'll turn off all barriers and see if the blog spammers attack again. if not then i'll keep it easy until it becomes an issue (that is when your vote counts).

please vote for:

word verification (the lame askew cryptic code that needs to be deciphered and re-typed)


managed (delayed) posts


  1. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I don't mind typing in the verification code - rather than potentially add to the burden of posting...
    The barn is looking fabulous, btw!

  2. Anonymous4:50 PM

    huh... the first time I tried to chime in about it, there was only a blogger login and there was word verification... then, I went back to the post and came back to comment and there are 3 options AND NO WORD VERIFICATION... odd?

  3. Anonymous5:07 PM

    word verification is nicer than delayed posting...and less of a hassle for you.

  4. managed, if ye please

  5. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I seriously don't care. Ummm..managed is fine..

  6. Anonymous7:41 PM

    It really should be what is easiest for you. I think word verification is fine and a good way to keep out the nasty spammers.


  7. I mostly just lurk but I'd vote for word verification over manged, personally.

  8. What is prompting the change? Have you had regulars complaining of typing in the code? Either way, we'll adapt.

    Have you switched to the BETA version of blogger? It keeps asking me if I want to and I'm not sure it is a good idea, but would like to hear form people who have done it.

  9. no spammers yet. it might turn out that it is easier to just delete the spammers comments then to manage every comment. the reason i ask is because *I* hate the stupid word verification. it seems that i always have to re-type the stupid thing in and sometimes more than once--on my own site. what ever happened to cookies and recognising that it is ME?

    i have been in the process of switching to some other technology. i have a design ready and have narrowed it down to two finalists. wordpress is slightly in the lead but i'm reluctant to switch since the effort involved requires a block of time that i simply don't have right now.

  10. I'm a daily reader but not a daily commenter to you can count my vote as 1/2.

    I am in favor of typing the code. This way, I can see what others have been commenting on and perhaps add meaningful comments that go with the flow rather than go against the grain of conversation.

  11. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I vote for the word verification... it does not bother me much. :)

  12. I vote for word verification, but I'd be happy with whatever you choose.

  13. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Oh, *please* don't leave that can 0' spam up there any longer than you have to... ;)


  14. Anonymous2:29 AM

    I vote for word verification. I've left comments on moderated sites, and I never saw some comments posted, so I fear the blog owners doesn't like me so much. Plus word verification is so commonplace that no one will consider it a bother


The golden rule applies here...