Wednesday, January 31, 2007

frozen pipes

i woke this morning to frozen pipes. it was only the hot line to the bathroom but it prevented me from going to work this morning. i ran to the hardware store and purchased pricey heat tape. in the interim i plugged in the chick starter heat lamp and pointed it at the place where i thought the problem was.

during the fall some varmint dug into my insulated closure in the crawl (rather wallow/worm) space. the cold winter wind could penetrate the varmint exposed pipes.
i left the cold water drizzeling at the bathroom sink last night but that only protected the cold line.

when i returned i got out my high powered heat gun and managed to to melt through the frozen blockage. i then wallowed under the house to my navel and wrapped the plumbing in question with heat tape and bubble-foil-bubble insulation. i also re-insulated the little door that i made to cover the access point and closed the space back up.

i now have to go back to town to get a prescription for kassi. it seems that all the kids have strep-throat. toly has an ear infection. now, everyone is on antibiotics. we are a sorry lot. i have the go into work this afternoon so my my will be a busy one.


  1. Don't you just love frozen pipes. They never seem to happen in the summer when it warm enough to work on them...hehe.

  2. Anonymous11:15 AM

    not that going under a house is EVER a good thing! warm or cold... but at least if it's cold, maybe the creepy-crawlies are all hibernating or frozen and cannot move quickly!

    sure hope you guys get a break soon! big hugs to the little sick babies...

  3. Yikes! My husband was asking what you guys do about medical insurance.

  4. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Gee are you guys ever going to be healthy? Sorry to hear about the pipes so far here we have been blessed with no problems of that sort. I hope all are better soon and things get on track. Keep smiling and laughing, laughter keeps the you healthy. love you lots hugs to all.


  5. Hope you are all on the mend. Take care, and get plenty of rest.


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