Monday, February 12, 2007

the juicer

tabitha took this photo of me at my morning station. i bought this juicer for the family for christmas. our carrot through-put is astounding. tabitha, tristan and i love the juice. our bodies crave the stuff every morning--tristan really likes to shove the carrots into the juicer.


  1. Do you add an apple to the juice?

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Carrot Juice! Just doesn't have that appealing sound that "cold beer" does.

  3. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I have had carrot juice and really liked it..

  4. danielle,

    no apples but we occasionally add a beet. yum beets are great.


    beer good....


    really? when?

  5. Hey Karl! I just got around to visiting your many blogs (I work too much sometimes) and they are great! Your house plans are very interesting; have you actually started construction yet? I was afraid to try straw bale here because of the humidity. I just couldn't get it out of my head that if a wall ever cracked that straw would rot like crazy here. I know that's not really an issue but I couldn't get over it. Anyway, great site and cute kids.

  6. Anonymous9:08 AM

    We've owned a Champion juicer for about 15 years, and it is still going strong. We bought it because it is one of the few juicers that can handle wheat grass without self-destructing. You should get good use of it for years to come.


The golden rule applies here...