Monday, March 12, 2007

progress update

i worked at bobs today. when i got home i finished installing water line to the front spigot. i ran it in pex from the cold feed to the clothes washer. it is just for water for the front yard so copper pipe is not necessary. we like to keep our drinking water in copper whenever possible--plastic is plastic no matter how stable they claim it to be.

i rototilled a few more rows in the garden after strewing some compost around. tabitha planted a dozen or so cabbage plants in part of that area. we will plant the rest in spring beets. between this and the last planting preparation i gathered the better part of a wheelbarrow load of rocks. i surprisingly found several large (in excess of 20 lbs) rock. a person would think that they just keep rising from the bowels of the earth.

i also raked a few bucket loads of rock from the yard around the piles of rootcellar dirt. i put all the rocks in the fill area between the root cellar and pump house. i get paid from bob today maybe i can afford more root cellar materials and get going on that again. i already bought the electrical conduit and fittings necessary. the next thing i need is re-bar, cement, sand and fiber reinforcing additive--metal lath will closely follow.

rosie ran off yesterday, mother nature seems to be more powerful than any training i can accomplish. she is back now and sadly confined. her operation is in just a few days, hopefully she'll settle down after that.

rain predicted for this afternoon i hope we can get our beets in before any precipitation.


  1. It's that time of year, isn't it, when the flurry of activities begins. Good stuff but I'm not sure I'm ready for it.

  2. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Keep an eye on that dog!


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