Thursday, March 01, 2007

stormy night

i woke at five am to the sound of heavy rain. i mustered my courage to brave the morning. kassi and tristan had some how turned 90 degrees in bed and formed a mini bulldozer with their feet. perched on the precipice, exiting bed was easier than usual. the fire was out but the house wasn't cold. my wood calculations will need adjusting. we are using way less than my pessimistic projection suggested. tabitha optimistically thinks that the three quarters of a load left (loaded feb 17th) on the porch will be our last one. sorry to bore you with silly wood stuff but i'm trying to document wood usage for next years planning.

mike, tabitha's father, had his 220 to 250 pound hogs killed by a pack of dogs. it was gruesome sight and deeply disturbing. he bought ammo for his gun and plans to kill any dog on his property. he loaded his truck with the three pigs and drove it around to show all the neighbors. he informed everyone of his intentions and if they cared about their dogs they'd keep them contained. i think, if he manages to kill any, he will be doing the neighborhood a service. after seeing the killing-for-sport slaughter of his pigs i fear for my children. i am sure that rosie would alert us (like she always does) and protect the kids but it is still scary. any troupe of dogs that can kill hogs of that size could easily kill small children. we live in a drop-zone for abandoning dogs and have several unsavory pit-bull-ranchers within two miles. tabitha and i have been considering purchasing a gun. i was reluctant, although i am proficient with a gun, i just don't really like the idea of having something so dangerous in the house. we took photos for mike and nancy of the pigs, i'll spare you the horror.


  1. You are right in keeping track of your "wood usage". I think "history" is the best teacher. Hope things are going well on your little piece of paradise.

  2. Wow, how horrible about the pigs. We've had loose dogs mess with our livestock but thankfully have not lost anything yet. A $500 fine has been instituted here if your dogs are loose on someone else's property...but of course you'd have to catch them first and be able to identify the owners. Not much help with wild strays.

  3. Anonymous9:15 AM

    We are visited quite often by dogs that the neighbors allow to roam. The massacre of the hogs is a sobering thought, especially for those families like yours with small children.

    I can't blame your neighbor for wanting to shoot any dogs that come onto his property after his experience - and presenting the hog carcasses to the neighbors and warning them of his intentions is more courtesy than most people would provide.

  4. My gosh, that's awful!


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