Saturday, April 21, 2007

gardening in earnest

the recent freeze two weeks ago was brutal. i only managed to cover five rows of beets or two and a half depending on how you look at it. we plant our rows of beets on either side of a soaker hose as to get the most use from the water-zone. the greens have mostly survived i only covered the arugula--my favorite. the garlic is really coming to the front. tabitha pulled one by mistake while weeding. i promptly ate it--yum. it was about the size of a dime and it was one of the smaller plants. most of the onions have survived with some setback.
i roto-tilled a four foot wide row last night just to kill the weeds. i set the tiller as deeply as i could. this must have been one of those areas that was planted last year before we owned a tiller. i chugged and choked up so many rocks it was amazing. i picked-up five and two thirds buckets of fist or greater sized rock. i hearkened back to when were breaking soil for the first time. one huge difference is the general quality of our soil is much better. all of my composting efforts seem to be making some headway.
today is saturday and farmstead progress will be made, even though i'm a bit sore from my tilling efforts last evening.


  1. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Dug some compost out of our backyard bin today for a litte early gardening work at home.

  2. We are reading about square foot gardening. We did mostly traditional row gardening at the old house...not sure what we are going to do at the new one.

  3. Anonymous11:43 PM

    I have a strawberry plant in my yard. I eat them before the birds and slugs. Compost? Are you kidding? It'd be all coffee grounds.


The golden rule applies here...