Sunday, April 08, 2007

happy Easter

kassi and tristan having their first easter egg hunt. abuelo and abuela hid the eggs up at their house (aka: the big fancy). kassi would scream like a little girl (well she IS a little girl) every time she saw one. it was wonderfully fun. i never thought easter egg hunting was fun until now.

toly fell asleep in my arms after the "easter feast" as tristan calls it. tabitha baked a wonderful ham and made goats milk custard pie. our neighbors were slated to join us also but they had to scurry off to columbia because of a death in the family.

toly, all pleased with himself. crawls like the wind resorts to the bear crawl when true speed in necessary. he climbs up on his chair and stands, yes he stands (while holding on) at 3 days short of six months.

the kids love their new bunnies and presents that my parents sent. they wouldn't go anywhere without them.


  1. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Very sweet! I love that Toly is getting in the fray so soon. All 4 of my kids were walking by 8-9 months. I know how sad it is when they grow up so fast!

  2. Sounds like you guys had a great day! I bet the food was so yummy and I would have loved to have Max do egg huntin' with your kids! It is the best feeling in the world to see your own children giddy and in love with life and enjoying things you do for them. It is such a high! I so know how you felt watching them enjoy.

  3. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Happy Easter! Love you all and miss you very much! Great pictures! Dude, what happened to your shirt? You should know better than to post a picture of that where I'll see it!

  4. Awwww. Cute. :) I can still remember the thrill of finding hidden eggs!


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