Tuesday, April 24, 2007

one is enough thanks--pay it forward

so i only took one vicodin. i'd rather suffer the pain. it must not be that painful you say? only matt really knows my tolerance for pain. ibuprofen was the drug of choice yesterday. i had a vicodin hangover all day. i hate vicodin.

arnica seems to be the biggest help. the huge ace bandage tightly wrapped afforded me the ability to walk, rather limp, around. i plan to go to work tomorrow. i missed my two days work at bobs this week--that'll hurt.

yesterday we were sitting at a mexican restaurant, the kids were being extra cute.
we were practicing our spanish and devouring the chips-n-salsa at an alarming rate. the most unusual thing happened. a woman approached our table and said we had the most beautiful family. her right fist was tightly clinched around something. she proceeded to tell a little story of how she saw our family and it reminded her of her own tribe many years ago. and, on one occasion she and her tribe were sitting at a restaurant when a woman came up to them and told a similar story and gave them a gift of some money. at this point she relaxed her fist and dropped a fifty on the table. she nervously explained that it was our turn. she repeated that we had the most beautiful children and when they are grown and gone like her own we can pass it on--pay it forward. tabitha and i were dumbfounded. we couldn't refuse because it was too cool--the entire opportunity to pay it forward. we let her leave giving thanks but still in shock.

what she gave us was greater than the money it was embracing that moment. that brief lunch will be forever scorched into our memories by a perfect stranger. when we came to our senses we wanted to chase her down to know her. she was gone. our only chance is to reach into the timelessness of love and find our counterpart in the future.

life is truly beautiful


  1. Wow...that is so cool. A great story, thanks for sharing.

  2. Anonymous10:09 AM

    That is the most beautiful story... what a wonderful experience for you and the kids and how timely, given the two days of work missed.
    I hope your knee mends quickly.

  3. How cool. Brightened up my rainy day :)

  4. Anonymous1:35 PM

    There is a poem that was made into a country song a while back that echoes your experience. If I can remember it, I will let you know which song it is. God is so gracious and always knows what we need when we need it.

  5. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I, Uncle Matt, admit that Karl has the highest pain threshold of any male I've ever met. Though Tabitha has to put up with him,that's a different kind of pain. Beautiful and moving story! You do have the most beautiful family! But, YOU teaching Spanish? Dios mio!

  6. wow, how sweet.

    hope you feel better soon!

  7. Very cool story. It's nice that just when we're convinced humanity is doomed to be reminded that there are some really great people out there.

  8. Anonymous8:40 AM

    how wonderful!!

  9. I think the name of the song that ang is referring to is "Chain of Love" sung by Clay Walker: http://www.cowboylyrics.com/lyrics/walker-clay/the-chain-of-love-9581.html

  10. Anonymous10:57 PM

    in the days before fastrac, i used to anonomously and somewhat randomly pay the bridge toll of the person behind me(not entirely randomly, as i sometimes was thanking someone for graciously allowing me to change lanes). it always felt good, and the feeling of anonymity made it better. i had been inspired by someone once paying for me.

    glad you're feeling better.
    ~teresa (tabitha's friend from LLL)

  11. What a wonderful story. I believe everyone should experience such a spontaneous event such as that.

    Our "pay it forward" moment came just before Christmas the year my husband was fired from his job. One of the wonderful women who worked in his office (someone whose children were grown) sent him a note and a check for $150. She said to use the money to make sure the kids had enough under the tree, and let me tell you that was an iffy situation at that point. My husband pondered whether to return the check but decided he should accept it in the spirit in which it was given and we both made a promise that when we were able we would pay it forward. That single kindness has been paid forward many, many, many times and I can attest to how good the feeling is.

  12. Okay, tears in my eyes. You do indeed have a beautiful family; I love hearing that you know how lucky you are! That's one of the best parts about reading your blog.


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