Sunday, May 27, 2007

thwarted by ftp issues

panoramas are a special deal, to be able to pan across them they must be uploaded and viewed full size. for months we have relied on picassa and google to automatically download our photos from camera and upload them to the huge free storage online. picassa is amazing and does so many things automatically that days of my life have been given back to me. the problem is that picassa resizes the images and doesn't provide http access to the full size versions. i used to employ *fire ftp* to upload my panoramas to and then access them from my blog. that worked fine last summer but i now have a different host that denies my every attempt to upload a simple photo via *fire ftp*.


that was my lame excuse for not blogging because i really want to put up panoramas and have been thwarted every time i try a new avenue. the new calf's first steps. i rushed home from work and carried it from the covey in the background so the kids could see it's first steps.

here at the pile many thing have been happening.
the new calf has been born
the garden has exploded into lush summer glory
i have most of my barn loft finished
i built a new old-timey gate
we have a new kitten
i have been working instead of blogging

i'll take a bunch of photos today of stuff and make a picture loaded entry.


  1. Hello, this is my first visit to your blog. What a lovely photo this is. It's great that your children can see a real birth.

    The mum looks like a nice little jersey cow, what is the father?

    I'll be back for more looks.

  2. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I was curious how much milk you anticipate getting from your cow? Will you have to milk twice a day? or can you get away with milking once? I am a new dairy goat owner and interested in how owing a cow compares with milking goats.

    What was the gestation period for the cow? It seemed like a pretty short time period when I was looking back through your blog.


  3. Congratulations on the new calf! What a sweet face! Good to have you back on the blog.


The golden rule applies here...