Wednesday, July 04, 2007

long winded reply

yes, our bathroom is very large. when we first started working on the place it was a tiny pass through bedroom with three doors and an even tinier bathroom of the most cramped proportions. since this entire area was in ruin we opted to put it back together as a single huge bathroom/thoroughfare(10' by 18'). i am actually standing in the kitchen taking a shot through the doorway into the bath. on your left is the back door (sliding glass). at the end to the right is the bedroom. just past the tub is the entrance to the front-room. the kids call it the toy-room, if you have kids you can imagine what it usually looks like. the front-room is only slightly larger than our huge bath (10' by 22'). and the kitchen/dinette is roughly the same size as the bath. the bedroom is (9' by 15') our entire house is less than 900 square feet. i once lived in an apartment in oakland ca, by myself, that was two and a half times larger.
someday we plan an addition that will extend out the back. it will be an all-purpose sewing, craft, computer, mater bedroom. the sleeping part will be a loft. the kids will takeover the existing bedroom and maybe we can reclaim the front room from the heaps of toys. once tristan is old enough to really help master bedroom addition will start in earnest.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I have to admit, when I saw the picture I thought it was big too. But is all in the eye of user. I have one of the super cramped bathrooms. It's like 5 X 6, has a toilet, sink and bathtub as well as a stair way leaning in from one side. But it's not our only bathroom and bathrooms are not that important to me. In my parents house, they had a spaceous bathroom and it was quite comfy, so I can understand the apeal of yours.


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