Thursday, July 12, 2007

rainy daze

tabitha is sick, cold or flue or something. summer illness is the worst. i went to the farmers market to sell a few cucumbers this morning and pick up the coop order. no one was buying. i made the following signs cucumbers 3 for $1, organically grown and japanese long heirloom. these missouri hicks don't care much about organic. there was a stand selling some stuff with seven dust (malathion) still covering the veggies. they had an inferior hybrid 5 for $1. they were twice as small. to the ill informed smaller normal cucumbers are better but these japanese longs are best at the size that i was selling. i ended giving them to some friends. in the grand scheme of things, it was probably better to have given them to a family that will truly appreciate them. kassi went with me. she is my precious angel.

it has been raining a slow rain all afternoon. i am just hanging around in the house this evening. the kids are holdup in the house. i set up a large train track for tristan. he hasn't played thomas the tank engine in quite a while. toly plays toly-zilla and wants to destroy the entire complex. there has been much strife over keeping toly away and interested in other things. he just wants to play trains with his big brother.

tabitha is making borscht for dinner. a nice treat with fresh beets, dill and merlin roast. i attempted to join the "local summer" meme but received no reply. no big deal cause just about any give night we are 95% zero mile dinner. most comes from our little farmstead and what we can't get local (pepper, olive oil, grapeseed oil, and so on) we get in bulk. we kind of take the view that we an are isolated farmstead of an hundred ago. it is naturally a lessor carbon footprint than the processed grocery store paradigm.

one way that i could really make a carbon footprint difference would be to get our solar thermal system up and running. once the bathroom is finished it'll be much higher on my agenda. the root cellar is so close to being finished it is almost sad. i like the process of life better than the material accomplishments. but having a finished root cellar will be great.


  1. Anonymous7:44 PM

    I hope you post some pix of the finished root cellar. I have to have closure!

  2. Anonymous8:30 PM

    I think what you are doing - the smaller carbon footprint - is admirable and wonderful. and in the post carbon future, you'll be ahead of the rest!
    I hope Tabitha gets better soon and that you don't get it, whatever it is...

  3. Hey man! I dropped a comment almost as soon as you put out your comment.

    Of course you can join the group. I've been wondering what's going on but I didn't want to pressure you if you had reconsidered. But I've been reading looking for meals to pop up.

    You want me to count this as your meal this week?

  4. pablo, it will be a glorious day when i finish the root cellar. there will be many photos and much celebration. what i was trying to say was it will be bitter sweet because i'll miss doing something that i have enjoyed so much.

    mb, thanks but i'm sick this morning too.

    matt, sorry for the confusion. i just assumed that you'd mail me. i didn't check back on my post (my fault) thanks, i'll post the official borscht dinner.


The golden rule applies here...